
Welcome to the pantry practice

I’m Moriah. I’m a huge believer in food as medicine and a source of joy – this includes the ingredients that go in and on our bodies.

I’ve spent most of my adult life exploring what optimal wellness feels like, learning about and integrating nutritious ingredients and developing healthier product habits along the way. It’s been, and continues to be, my pantry practice.

I share healthy, delicious pantry finds so you can spend less time translating nutrition labels and ingredient lists and more time in your pantry practice, where curating pantry spaces – like your fridge, freezer, medicine and beauty cabinets – will serve to help nourish your mind, body and soul.

Join me to see how your pantry practice can set a foundation for wellness and balance in this beautiful messy life! Fill your pantry to fuel your health.

About me - sun salutation

Meet Moriah

About Me - Moriah

In my teen years I ate to a disciplined caloric intake that kept me at a specific number on the scale. I didn’t give much regard to what I ate – there was a lot of dessert in the mix – as long as it stayed within my self-defined intake. When I took an elective weight-lifting class my senior year of high school I fell in love with being strong, and in college I started doing sprint triathlons and personal training. My passion for physical fitness guided me to start making food choices aimed at building muscle and completing the physical feats I signed up for, but complete functional health still wasn’t anywhere on my radar.

After college I moved to Colorado and was exposed to an amazing culture of wellness, where food was just as important as movement. Though I stayed on the trendy fitness side of food for a few more years (read: drinking pre-workout powders and consuming artificially flavored whey protein post-workout religiously), I began to adopt habits of eating fresh, seasonal, local, whole foods. Unsweetened Greek yogurt and fibrous green smoothies replaced packaged breakfasts and I began to discover the nutritional power of real, whole foods.

This evolution continued over several years and eventually led to largely stripping synthetic and lab-derived ingredients, artificial flavors and sweeteners from my diet. PSA, that rules out a lot of food in the United States.

It wasn’t until I got pregnant with my son that health took on a whole new meaning. I realized that each bite I took during my pregnancy and year of exclusive pumping afterwards directly fueled my son’s health and development. It gave me pause to consider the nutritional density and variety going in and on my body.* That philosophy is the foundational mindset I have today.

*Even with this focus on nutritious eating, I was far from a perfect eater during pregnancy. I had an aversion to greens my entire pregnancy and consumed an eyebrow-raising amount of chocolate milk and bagels during my first trimester. I made the healthiest choices I could (between waves of nausea) and gave myself lots of grace. Practice grace with yourself and others, always.

Today my lifestyle is focused on complete wellness – physical (inside and out), mental, emotional and spiritual. I love all kinds of movement – hiking, skiing, lifting, yoga and cycling (I now live in Michigan, so during the long the winter months you’ll find me religiously on my Peloton). I aim to be in nature as often as I can. I focus on food as medicine, as the source of healing and balance for not just my muscles or athletic endurance but also for things like my gut’s microbiome, hormone regulation, mental clarity, energy, and organ detoxification (skin very much included).

Eating well, and deliciously, is one of my favorite forms of self-love.