On the road

Here you’ll discover products and tools to fill your purse, briefcase, car and suitcase to keep your pantry practice humming beyond the walls of your home.

  • coffee bar
    Fridge,  Kitchen,  On the road,  Pantry


    I am a big coffee fan. It is one of my favorite morning rituals. I love the sound of coffee percolating, the aroma of GOOD roasty beans, the taste of chocolatey bitterness and the heat of my coffee mug in my hands. I love it even more with superfood mix-ins. And a tall Starbucks latte? Heaven. Coffee isn’t a one-size-fits-all drink or one of those things that you should or shouldn’t imbibe, and I say that because for every studied and potential benefit of coffee consumption there are also some question marks and known watch-outs. This is where the 80/20 rule of balance is critical. If coffee is a part…

  • Downward dog
    Bathroom,  Kitchen,  On the road,  Philosophies and rituals


    I have several philosophies that guide my pantry and product choices, lifestyle habits and rituals. You’ll see these themes crop up throughout my posts and stories, and you might see new ones start to show up as my pantry practice evolves over time. I’d love to hear about the philosophies that guide your lifestyle choices! 80/20 – I eat super clean and whole 80% of the time and shamelessly enjoy red wine, homemade chocolate chips cookies, indulgent dinners on vacation and nights out with the girls. Seasonality – I eat and exercise with the seasons. More squash in the fall, berries in the summer. More outdoor cycling in the summer,…